Acceleration Leg Curl/Extension
Acceleration Leg Curl/Extension is a device for neuromuscular performance training based on the Flywheel system, ideal for eccentric overload training.
It warrants the possibility of working with one or both legs, in knee extension and knee flexion exercises, providing the possibility to assess strength levels during isometric contractions.
It comes with a complete sensorization package allowing you to monitor real contact forces, as well as, the power, acceleration and/or angular speed of the execution, allowing conditioning coaches and therapists to more effectively evaluate and track the neuromuscular performance of their athletes.
It’s a unique product in the market!
Product details
This software provides real time feedback of the force, power, acceleration and speed being applied. This information helps coaches to monitor training and ensure athletes peak correctly as well as to as to determine the optimal profile of each athlete in their training.
It allows the creation of athlete/patient profiles, in order to track their training history and evaluations.
Provides quads/ hamstrings ratios, bilateral deficit ratios and assessment protocols.
This kind of technology gives you a much deeper insight on the quality of the exercises.
Comes with
- 2 Inertial Disks Size L(0,1 kg.m^2) and M(0,05 kg.m^2)
- Leg Curl and Leg Extension Force Platforms
- High Resolution Rotary Encoder
- NexSo Software – Excellence